Campaign Manager - Settings

Adding or editing an FTP connection


  1. Select the FTP Sites tab.
  2. Click Add .

Field Description
Name Specify a name for the FTP connection.
Config ID An auto generated unique ID for the FTP site configuration - for use in document transfer for identifying FTP sites.
Protocol Select the required Protocol: SFTP, FTPS and FTP. For FTPS there is an option to choose the type of security from TLS or SSL and use Explicit or Implicit methods. The passive check box is checked by default. This influences how the system connects through firewalls.
Host Enter the DNS name or IP address of the FTP site.
Port Enter the port number of the FTP site.
User The user name for the FTP site.
Password Enter the FTP site password.
Remote Directory Specify the directory on the FTP site to upload files to.
Comments If required, add a description of the new connection.

  1. Configure each of the fields as required.

By default, the connection to the FTP server is passive. Deselect the passive option for the connection to become active.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Test Site to test the connection details.

If successful a green tick is displayed. If unsuccessful a red cross is displayed, amend the connection details and retest the connection.

  1. Select the Enabled check box.
  2. Click Apply to save your changes.

If the FTP site is not to be available at this moment in time but the details are to be stored for future use disable the FTP site.

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